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Summer Sale at French Connections!

French Connections 178 Hillsborough Street, Pittsboro

SUMMER SALE! Save on all purchases made in Pittsboro, or shop online at and use the code SUMMER2023! Sale runs July 1 to 15.

Frank Hyman presents HOW TO FORAGE FOR MUSHROOMS WITHOUT DYING at Flyleaf Books

Flyleaf Books 752 MLK Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill

With the surging interest in foraging for mushrooms, those new to the art need a reliable guide to distinguishing the safe fungi from the toxic. But for beginner foragers who just want to answer the question “Can I eat it?”, most of the books on the subject are dry, dense, and written by mycologists for other mycologists. Frank Hyman to the rescue! How to Forage for Mushrooms without Dying is the book for anyone who walks in the woods and would like to learn how to identify just the 29 edible mushrooms they’re likely to come across. With Hyman’s expert advice and easy-to-follow guidelines, readers will be confident in identifying which mushrooms they can safely eat and which ones they should definitely avoid. Frank Hyman is a professional mushroom hunter, certified to sell wild mushrooms to the public. He teaches workshops across the country on mushroom foraging and identification and has written about mushroom foraging for publications such as Paleo magazine, Hobby Farms, and Modern Farmer. He is a member of the North American Mycological Association, lives in Durham, North Carolina, and forages everywhere he travels.